SOCOTECO II respectfully informs the following SCHEDULED POWER INTERRUPTION on SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 (SATURDAY) affecting the following areas.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 (Saturday)
06:00AM - 10:00AM
Areas Affected:
Feeder 11-2:
Brgy. Tango, Lago, Kapatan and Portion of Brgy. Padidu, of Glan, Sarangani Province and Brgy. Sapu Masla, Sapu Padidu of Malapatan, Saragani Province.
Clearing of Back bone power line.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 (Saturday)
08:00AM – 09:00AM
Areas Affected:
9-1, 9-4, 21-5, 21-6
Please see attachment for complete list of areas affected.
Load transfer of whole coverage area of Fishport Substation to Damalerio Substation in preparation for installation of New 20MVA at Fishport Substation.
Should there be interruptions outside the given schedule, please call 553-5848 to 50 and mobile no. 09177205365 for inspection on possible line trouble.
For Information.
Thank you.