SOCOTECO II respectfully informs the following SCHEDULED POWER INTERRUPTION on May 22, 2020 (FRIDAY) affecting the following areas.
12:00NN – 02:00PM (2HRS)
Affected Areas:
Whole coverage of Sari and Glan Substation (Feeders 3-1 to 3-3 and Feeders 11-1 to 11-2)
(Please see attachment for complete list of areas affected)
Pole replacement of structure 137 and 138 Klinan Sari-Glan 69KV Line.
12:00NN – 03:00PM
Affected Areas:
Part of Municipality of Alabel (Ladol and Kawas) and Municipality of Malapatan.
(Please see attachment for complete list of areas affected)
Rehabilitation of rotten pole (Feeder 3-2 backbone line) along Brgy. Kawas, Alabel.
We appeal for your utmost understanding.
For Information. Thank you.